Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Monocotyledon Literature for Urochloa mutica
Wipff & Thompson, 2003; Lorence & Wagner, 2019.
   Poaceae -- The Grass Family Bibliography
      Urochloa mutica

Common name(s): California grass, Para grass
General Information
DistributionAn African species grown as a forage crop throughout the tropics, but tending to become weedy.In the Hawaiian Islands, naturalized on Midway, Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Hawai`i.

Perennial; stoloniferous, straggling; culms to 200(‒300) cm long, long-decumbent and rooting at the proximal nodes, vertical portion 90‒200(‒300) cm; nodes villous.
Leaves with open sheath, lower sheaths with papillose-based hairs, these more dense distally, margin ciliate; collar pubescent; ligule 1‒1.5 mm; blade 7.5‒35 cm long, 4‒20 mm wide, glabrous or sparsely pilose on both surfaces, margin scabrous.
Inflorescences a panicle, 10‒25 cm long, 5‒10 cm wide, pyramidal, with 10‒30 racemes in more than 2 ranks; primary branches 2.5‒8 cm long, 0.4‒0.9 mm wide, ascending to divergent, axils pubescent, axes flat, glabrous or with a few papillose-based hairs, secondary branches present or absent; pedicel shorter than the spikelet, scabrous, sometimes with hairs. Spikelets 2.6‒3.5 mm long, 1‒1.4 mm wide, mostly in pairs, in 2‒4 rows, appressed to branches, purplish to green; glumes scarcely separate, rachilla internodes short not pronounced, proximal glumes 0.6‒1.1 mm, 1/5‒⅓ as long as the spikelets, glabrous, 0‒1(3)-veined, distal glumes 2.6‒3.5 mm, glabrous, 5‒(7)-veined, without cross-venation; proximal florets staminate; proximal lemmas 2.6‒3.3 mm, glabrous, 5-veined, without cross-venation; distal lemmas 2.3‒2.8 mm long, 1‒1.3 mm wide, apices rounded, mucronate; anthers 1‒1.5 mm.
Caryopses 1.8-2 mm long.
2n = 18, 36
Nancy Khan