Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Dicotyledon Literature for Rubus macraei
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999.
   Rosaceae -- The Rose Family Bibliography
      Rubus macraei
General Information
DistributionIn the Hawaiian Islands, endemic to Maui, Hawai`i.

Click here for detailed USGS map by Jonathan Price
Shrubs with shredding bark; stems prostrate or decumbent, sometimes rooting at the nodes, primocanes and floricanes similar, sparsely covered with slender prickles up to 3 mm long and densely tomentose, also with glandular hairs on younger parts.
Leaves palmately compound, somewhat thick, coriaceous when dry, leaflets 3, very broadly ovate to suborbicular or rhombic-suborbicular, the terminal one largest, 5.1-8.5(-11) cm long, 3-6(-9) cm wide, the lateral ones slightly asymmetrical, upper surface uniformly sparsely pilose, occasionally the hairs more concentrated on or between the impressed veins, lower surface usually densely velvety tomentose, rarely only along the raised veins, margins irregularly and usually coarsely serrate and usually somewhat lobed, petiolules 0.4-3 cm long, petiolules and petioles moderately to densely tomentose, sometimes with scattered small prickles, petioles 1.5-3.5(-7) cm long, stipules narrowly oblong to linear-lanceolate, 0.8-1.5 cm long.
Flowers 1-8 in corymbose inflorescences, pedicels 8-55 mm long, densely tomentose and also usually covered with slender prickles; sepals ovate, 10-16 mm long, both surfaces densely tomentose, apex acuminate to caudate; petals dark pink to dusky rose, obovate, 13-16 mm long.
Fruit dark red to dark purple, juicy, ovoid, 2.5-4 cm long, densely pubescent.