Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Dicotyledon Literature for Metrosideros macropus
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999.
   Myrtaceae -- The Myrtle Family Bibliography
      Metrosideros macropus

Common name(s): `ohi`a, `ohi`a lehua, lehua
General Information
DistributionHawaiian Islands.In the Hawaiian Islands, endemic to O`ahu.

Myrtaceae - Metrosideros macropus

Click here for detailed USGS map by Jonathan Price
Small trees 5-7 m tall, bark fissured, flaky, vegetative buds narrow, pointed, with long-persistent, obovate to spatulate, attenuate scales up to 22 mm long and 7 mm wide.
Leaves broadly ovate, 4.5-7 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, glabrous, apex rounded to acute or moderately attenuate, base rounded to truncate, petioles 15-35 mm long, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, often at right angles or more to the stems.
Flowers yellow or occasionally red, in inflorescences of 4-6 pairs of cymules, usually glabrous or sometimes appressed silvery pubescent, peduncles ca. 12 mm long and 2 mm wide, pedicels ca. 3 mm long and 1 mm wide, bracts ovate to lanceolate, ca. 5.5 mm long and 3.5 mm wide, long-persistent; hypanthium ca. 3-4 mm high, 4-5 mm wide; sepals triangular, 2-3 mm long, 2-3.5 mm wide; petals obovate to orbicular, ca. 5 mm long and 3 mm wide; stamens 1.8-2.5 cm long; style 2-2.7 cm long.
Fruiting hypanthium 4-6 mm long, 7-9 mm wide, with prominent veins, glabrous to puberulent, capsules exserted 2-3 mm.
Nancy Khan