Leaves narrowly to broadly elliptic, 4.5-6.5(-9.5) cm long, 2-3.5(-4.5) cm wide, occasionally with 2 basal lobes, upper surface distinctly scabrous,
covered with stout, erect hairs, lower surface strigose, margins scarcely serrate, sessile and the bases connate-perfoliate.
Heads solitary or 2-3 per node, in simple cymes; outer involucral bracts ovate, 4-6.5(-10) mm long, 2.5-4(-4.5) mm wide, strigose, apex broadly acute; chaffy bracts often purple near apex; ray florets 8-12 per head, rays oblong, 8-15 mm long, 2-3.5(-5) mm wide; disk florets (35-)45-60 per head, corollas 4-merous, (3.4-)3.6-4.2 mm long; anthers (1.5-)1.7-2 mm long; pappus of connate scales forming an uneven corona tipped with short deciduous awns.
Achenes tuberculate, ray achenes (2.2-)2.6-3 mm long, 1.3-1.7 mm wide, with wings ca. 0.5 mm long, disk achenes (2.5-)2.7-3.5(-3.8) mm long, 1.1-1.5 mm wide, with wings ca. 0.6 mm long.