Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Literature for Geniostoma tinifolium
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999; Motley, 1995. Literature for Geniostoma tinifolium var. lanaiense
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Geniostoma tinifolium var. wahiawaense
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999; Motley, 1995.
   Loganiaceae -- The Logania Family Bibliography
      Geniostoma tinifolium
General Information
DistributionHawaiian Islands.
Shrubs or small trees (1.2-)2-8(-15) m tall; stems dichotomously branched, young branches terete or nearly so, glabrous.
Leaves medium green, membranous, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, sometimes narrowly elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or lanceolate, (3.8-)4.5-21 cm long, (1.4-)2-5(-7.3) cm wide, veins not impressed on upper surface, glabrous, margins entire, apex abruptly acuminate to acute, base narrowly to sometimes broadly cuneate, ± asymmetrical, petioles 0.6-2.2(-4) cm long, stipules completely connate, forming a truncate sheath 1-4 mm long, sometimes splitting somewhat with age, slightly adnate to base of petioles, margins sometimes ciliolate.
Flowers (3-)9-12(-19) in pendulous, open, paniculate cymes, fragrance semen-like, glabrous throughout, peduncles weakly recurved, 9-22 mm long, elongating to 13-25(-35) mm long in fruit, pedicels 8-11 mm long, elongating up to 23 mm long in fruit, bracts and bracteoles subulate, 0.7-1.6 mm long; calyx lobes connate slightly to ca. 1/2 their length, imbricate, ovate-deltate, 1.5-3 mm long, 0.7-1.6 mm wide, margins hyaline, ± ciliolate; corolla pale yellowish green or greenish yellow, narrowly urceolate, 6.5-19 mm long, the tube 5.5-7.8 mm long, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, sparsely white pilose within, the lobes deltate-ovate or ovate, 1.7-2.3 mm long, apex short-acuminate to rounded; ovary glabrate.
Capsules broadly ovoid to subglobose-ovoid or ellipsoid-ovoid, 8-25 mm long, 2(3)-valved, valves transversely wrinkled, not keeled, apex with a beak 0.5-1.5 mm long.
Seeds brown, ca. 1.8 mm long.
Nancy Khan