Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Dicotyledon Literature for Gamochaeta pensylvanica
Alford, manuscript in preparation.
   Asteraceae -- The Sunflower Family Bibliography
      Gamochaeta pensylvanica
General Information
DistributionIn the Hawaiian Islands, naturalized on Ni`ihau, Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Kaho`olawe, Hawai`i.

Elevation0-1190 m
Leaves weakly bicolored, both surfaces pubescent and grayish-green, the abaxial surface only weakly or moderately more pubescent and grayer, obovate to spathulate; proximal bracts of the inflorescence axis extending beyond the heads, also typically obovate to spathulate; cypselae smooth with scattered papillate hairs (visible at 40x)
Nancy Khan