Literature for Euphorbia celastroides
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. celastroides Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. hanapepensis Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. kaenana Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. laehiensis Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. lorifolia Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. stokesii Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. Literature for Euphorbia celastroides var. tomentella Wagner et al., 1990, 1999. |
Euphorbiaceae -- The Spurge Family | Bibliography |
Euphorbia celastroides |
General Information | |
Distribution | |
Habit |
Shrubs or small trees (0.4-)1-8(-9) m tall; stems prostrate to erect, glabrous to villous, flowering branches often nodose, 1-4(-6) mm in diameter. |
Leaves |
Leaves distichous, sometimes glaucous, oblong, obovate, or oblanceolate to elliptic or linear, (4-)10-70(-80) mm long, (3-)5-30(-40) mm wide, upper surface glabrous, lower surface glabrous to pilose or villous, margins entire, apex acute to obtuse, retuse or mucronulate, base cuneate to obtuse, oblique, petioles (0.5-)1-5(-6) mm long, glabrous to villous, stipules acute to rounded-triangular, 1-4(-6) mm long, glabrous to villous, erose, ciliate. |
Flowers |
Cyathia in short or open-branched cymes or solitary in the leaf axils, peduncles (0.5-)2-10(-19) mm long, glabrous to villous; involucre campanulate, (1-)1.5-3 mm high, 2-4 mm wide, glabrous to villous, glands 4-5, green or red, glabrous to pilose; styles yellow, green, or red, bifid less than 1/2 to more than 1/2 their length, 0.5-1(-1.5) mm long, glabrous to pubescent; stigma thickened. |
Fruit |
Capsules green to brown, ovoid to rounded-triangular, (0.5-)2-4 mm long, glabrous to pubescent, gynophores erect, exserted 0.5-1 mm from involucre, glabrous to pubescent. |
Seeds |
Seeds brown to gray, (0.5-)1-2(-2.5) mm long, tetragonal to obcompressed, smooth to rugose. |
Chromosomes |
2n = ca. 38* |