Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Pteridophyte Literature for Cyclosorus interruptus
Palmer, 2003.
   Thelypteridaceae Bibliography
      Cyclosorus interruptus

Common name(s): neke
General Information
DistributionExtensively distributed in Sri Lanka and southern India, Burma to Indochina, Malaysia to the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Pacific islands, as well as in the New World Tropics and subtropics.In the Hawaiian Islands, indigenous to Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Hawai`i.

Click here for detailed USGS map by Jonathan Price
HabitatFreshwater marshes, fens, bogs, mucky wetlands, and abandoned taro patches
Elevation0-1070 m
Terrestrial in swamps and bogs, medium-sized; rhizomes subterranean, long-creeping, heavily clothed with dark brown branching, hairy roots.
Fronds 45-60 cm long; stipe 1/3-1/2 frond length, dark at base, straw-colored distally, scaly only at very base; blade 1-pinnate to 1-pinnaate-pinnatifid, elongate-deltate; rachises and costae with many short, white, sharp-tipped hairs on both surfaces; pinnae 20+ pinna pairs, lanceolate, lobed, basal pinnae slightly reduced or not, sinuses wide-angled, cut 1/3-1/2 to the midrib, abaxial surface with small, red, sessile glands and fine, white, sharp-tipped hairs on veins, lower surface of costae with scattered, broad, tan, round to triangular, flat, 0.5-1 mm scales, and fine, white hairs on veins; ultimate segments rounded, tips acuminate, tipped with a single tooth; veins forked or unforked.
Sori submarginal, close, sometimes almost contiguous, usually producing nearly continuous meandering lines along the edges of the pinnae; indusia kidney-shaped with glandular hairs.
Latin interruptus, interrupted, not continued. Meaning is obscure.
Nancy Khan