Marquesas Islands.In the Marquesas,
endemic to
Low wet forests, often on windswept slopes and gulches of summit areas
790-900 m
Subglabrous, functionally monoecious shrub or tree, 3‒7 m tall with the main trunk to 30 cm in diameter, often with multiple prop roots, bark brown, wood cream colored, young stems with short internodes.
Leaves thinly coriaceous, petiolate; blade ovate to very broadly ovate, 10‒19.3 cm long, 6‒15.8 cm wide, young ones often viscous and with a turpentine-like scent, secondary veins 6‒18 mm apart, abaxial axils with domatia with small tufts of hairs, margin weakly dentate to subentire, apex bluntly acuminate to obtuse, base obtuse to occasionally truncate, often oblique; petiole 3‒9 cm long.
Heads in clusters of 3, 9‒12 mm in diameter, 10‒13 mm high, peduncle 15‒76 mm long; involucre campanulate, bracts 7‒9, in 2 series, 7‒11 mm long, external ones wider and thicker; receptacular bracts of ray florets 10‒11 mm long, those of disk florets 12‒13 mm long; ray florets 8‒10 in 1‒3 series, white, corolla tube and throat 3‒4 mm long, lamina 3‒3.8 mm long, shallowly toothed; disk florets 18‒20, white, corolla tube and throat 3.5‒4 mm long, lobes 3 mm long.
Ray achenes 8‒9 mm long, narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, winged on margin, wing to 1 mm wide with a smooth margin, extending beyond the achene apex; disk achenes sterile, linear, 12‒13 mm long.