Type Information
Scaevola procera Hillebr. , Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 268 1888.
Moloka`i, "Molokai!...W. Maui! and Kauai!". s.d.. Rémy 311.
Holo?type [?].
Note: Has this been lectotypified? BISH photo of MEL sheet is labeled "isolecto."
*Verification: None.

Scaevola procera Hillebr. f. dolichocarpa Skottsb., Acta Horti Gothob. 15: 502 1944.
Moloka`i, Kawela Trail. 22 September 1938. Cranwell 3525.
Isotype(s) [BISH].

*Verification: None.

Scaevola procera Hillebr. f. macrocalyx Skottsb., Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 43: 36 1927.
Kaua`i, Wahiawa Mts.. August 1909. Forbes 291.K.
Holotype [BISH]. Isotype(s) [A!].

Note: Date from Forbes's field book.
*Verification: None.

Scaevola procera Hillebr. var. pseudomollis Skottsb., Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 43: 35 1927.
Moloka`i, Pelekunu Trail. 16 July 1912. Forbes 246.Mo.
Lectotype [BISH].

Note: Date from Forbes's field book.
*Verification: None.