Type Information
Phyllostegia parviflora (Gaudich.) Benth. var. glabriuscula A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 5: 344 1862 [Jan].
Hawai`i, Mount Kaah [Mauna Kea]. 15-20 June 1825. Macrae s.n..
Lectotype [GH]. Lectotypified in Wagner. Novon, ined., 1998.
Note: St. John designated the other Macrae collection (also collected on Mauna Kea, June 1825, GH-1431!) as holotype of P. curta. He annotated this sheet as lectotype, but did not publish the lectotypification. St. John was correct in distinguishing that the two syntypes are separate collections, as the one designated holotype of P. curta is in early flowering and has very few glandular hairs, whereas the other is in late flowering and has many more flowering hairs. They do not, however, represent separate taxa.
*Verification: Wagner, W.L. 1999. Novon 9:265-279.