Melicope knudsenii (Hillebr.) T. G. Hartley & B. C. Stone , Taxon 38: 121. 1989.
*Verification: R.K. Shannon.

Type Information
Basionym: Pelea knudsenii Hillebr. , Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 70 1888.
Kaua`i, Waimea. 1500 ft. s.d.. Knudsen 210.
Holotype [B].
Note: Hillebrand's label on the B sheet says "Pelea villosa Hbd.," a name he apparently never published. RKS examined the specimen at BISH
*Verification: R.K. Shannon.

Basionym: Pelea knudsenii Hillebr. var. multiflora (Rock) Rock, Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 65: 266 1918.

*Verification: D.M. Mix.