Type Information
Artemisia australis Less. , Linnaea 6: 552 1831.
O`ahu 1816. Chamisso s.n..
Holotype [B]. Isotype(s) [K, W].
Note: Holotype presumably destroyed. "de Chamisso in O`Wahu Sandvicensium" Herb. Kunth ded.
*Verification: None.

Artemisia australis Less. f. menziesioides O. Deg., Fl. Hawaiiensis, fam. 344. Artemisia australis 1939.
Moloka`i, Kamalo, Kapulei ridge to E of white mountain called Kaholoapele. 25 June 1928. Degener 9709.
Holotype [BISH]. Isotype(s) [US].

Note: Label indicates that duplicates were sent to B, GH, K, NY, US.
*Verification: R.K. Shannon.

Artemisia australis Less. var. microcephala A. Gray, in Mann, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 176 1867.
Hawai`i, central plateau. 1851- 1871. Hillebrand s.n..
Holotype [B].

Note: Holotype presumably destroyed.
*Verification: None.

Artemisia australis Less. f. pauciflora Skottsb., Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 51: 197 1937.

Note: Nomen nudum. Specimens of f. pauciflora in BISH designated f. skottsbergii Degener.
*Verification: None.

Artemisia australis Less. f. skottsbergii O. Deg., Fl. Hawaiiensis, fam. 344. Artemisia australis 1939.
Moloka`i, near Waiakanapoo, on arid limestone cliffs directly over ocean. 19 April 1928. Degener 9707.
Holotype [BISH]. Isotype(s) [B, CU, GH, GRO, LCU, MICH, MO!, NY, US!, WELC].

Note: Doublecheck date on holotype; MO sheet gives date as 18 April.
*Verification: R.K. Shannon.

Artemisia australis Less. var. eschscholtziana (Besser) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 5: 137 1861.

*Verification: W.L. Wagner, D.M. Mix.

Artemisia australis Less. var. mauiensis A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 5: 138 1861.
Maui, "crater of Maui" [Haleakala]. 1840. U. S. Expl. Exped. s.n..
Holotype [US]. Isotype(s) [GH].

Note: See St. John (Rhodora 87: 586. 1985).
*Verification: None.