Tetraplasandra meiandra (Hillebr.) Harms var. molokaiensis Skottsb., Acta Horti Gothob. 15: 412. 1944.
Type information:
Holotype [GB]. L. M. Cranwell 3528. 26 June 1938. Moloka`i: Kawela. Isotype(s) [BISH!, K!].

Note: Sherff (1955) incorrectly interpreted the type of this var. to be that of Hillebrand's var. "delta," selecting the material from Wailupe as the lectotype. RKS examined specimen at BISH

=Polyscias oahuensis
Note: Sherff (1955) incorrectly interpreted the type of this var. to be that of Hillebrand's var. "delta," selecting the material from Wailupe as the lectotype. RKS examined specimen at BISH

*Verification: R.K. Shannon.