Lysimachiopsis remyi (Hillebr.) A. Heller , Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1: 876. 1897. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands --Basionym
Type Information
Lysimachia remyi Hillebr. , Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 284 1888.
Maui: s.l.. 1851- 1855. M. J. Rémy 458.
Lectotype [P]. Isolectotype(s) [BISH!, GH, K]. Lectotypified in Marr & Bohm. Pacific Sci. 51: 274. 1997.

Note: Additional syntypes: Maui, Remy s.n. (US); East Maui, Haleakala, Hillebrand s.n.; West Maui, Waihe`e, Hillebrand s.n.; West Maui, Waiehu, Hillebrand s.n. Moloka`i, Halawa, Hillebrand s.n. (B [PD, fragment BISH-577011!]); Waikolu, Hillebrand s.n. Moloka`i, s.l. (MEL [photo BISH]). Check US sheet of Remy collection, it may be an isolectotype. St. John used GH sheet of Remy 458 as holotype of Lysimachia stene. Hillebrand probably never saw the P sheet of Remy 458--is lectotypification still ok? There is a sheet of a Hillebrand collection with this name at MEL [photo BISH]--check locality.

=Lysimachia remyi
*Verification: R.K. Shannon, W.L. Wagner; Marr, K.L. & B.A. Bohm. 1997. Pacific Sci. 51:254-287.

*Verification: D.M. Mix.