Kadua longipedunculata Skottsb. , Acta Horti Gothob. 15: 464. 1944.
Type information:
Syntype [BISH]. C. Skottsberg 2935. 15 August 1938. Kaua`i: N Waimea, Koke`e-Kalalau Trail.

Note: Additional syntype: Waimea-Hanalei boundary, along trail to Kalalau Lookout, 20 August 1938, L. M. Cranwell, O. Selling & C. Skottsberg 3828 (BISH!). Publication gives locality as the same for both, but labels give slightly different localities. Number 2935 was erroneously published as 2395.

=Kadua foggiana
Note: Additional syntype: Waimea-Hanalei boundary, along trail to Kalalau Lookout, 20 August 1938, L. M. Cranwell, O. Selling & C. Skottsberg 3828 (BISH!). Publication gives locality as the same for both, but labels give slightly different localities. Number 2935 was erroneously published as 2395.

*Verification: R.K. Shannon, W.L. Wagner.