Cyrtandra biserrata Hillebr. , Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 329. 1888.
Type information:
Holotype [B]. W. Hillebrand s.n.. 1851- 1871. Moloka`i. Isotype(s) [BISH!, GH [photo BISH!], MEL [photo BISH!], US].

Note: Non St. John (1987). The BISH isotype has a printed label provided by Forbes stating collectors as Hillebrand & Lydgate.

=Cyrtandra biserrata
Note: Non St. John (1987). The BISH isotype has a printed label provided by Forbes stating collectors as Hillebrand & Lydgate.

*Verification: W.L. Wagner.

Cyrtandra biserrata H. St. John , Phytologia 63: 495. 1987.
Type information:
Holotype [BISH]. F.R. Warshauer 2442. 18 July 1979. Moloka`i: upper Kamalo Gulch, just west of U.S.F.W. Forest Bird Survey Transect 8.1065m.

Note: nom. illeg., non Hillebr. (1888). A portion of the holotype is in the BISH spirit collection. The pressed specimen of this collection could not be located and was not returned by St. John to the main BISH collection.

=Cyrtandra macrocalyx
Note: nom. illeg., non Hillebr. (1888). A portion of the holotype is in the BISH spirit collection. The pressed specimen of this collection could not be located and was not returned by St. John to the main BISH collection.

*Verification: W.L. Wagner.