Cyanea arborea Hillebr. var. pycnocarpa Hillebr., Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 262. 1888.
Type information:
Holotype [B]. W. Hillebrand s.n.. s.d.. Hawai`i: Kohala range.

Note: See record for neotypification by Lammers (1994).

=Cyanea pycnocarpa
Note: See record for neotypification by Lammers (1994).

*Verification: T.G. Lammers.

Cyanea arborea Hillebr. var. pycnocarpa Hillebr., Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 262. 1888. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands --Basionym
Type Information

Note: See record for holotype (presumably destroyed).

*Verification: T.G. Lammers.