Bobea elatior Gaudich. var. molokaiensis Rock, Indig. trees Haw. Isl. 441. 1913.
Type information:
Holotype [BISH]. J. F. Rock 7028. April 1910. Moloka`i: Wailau Valley. Isotype(s) [BISH! [4], NY, US [2]!].

Note: There are three sheets of Rock 7028 at US. One is labeled as the isotype. The other two sheets are labeled as Rock 6037 or Rock 7028. It is unclear which of these two sheets is actually the second US isotype sheet

=Bobea elatior
Note: There are three sheets of Rock 7028 at US. One is labeled as the isotype. The other two sheets are labeled as Rock 6037 or Rock 7028. It is unclear which of these two sheets is actually the second US isotype sheet

*Verification: R.K. Shannon.