Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Dicotyledon Literature for Syzygium malaccense
Lorence & Wagner, 2020.
   Myrtaceae -- The Myrtle Family Bibliography
      Syzygium malaccense

Common name(s): `ohi`a, `ohi`a `ai, `ohi`a `ai ke`oke`o, `ohi`a `ula, `ohi`a hakea, `ohi`a kea, `ohi`a leo, Malay apple, mountain apple
General Information
DistributionNative range uncertain, perhaps Malesia to SE Asia, widely cultivated and naturalized.In the Hawaiian Islands, a Polynesian introduction on Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Maui, Hawai`i.

Tree, 8‒25 m tall, bark grayish brown, somewhat flaky, glabrous throughout.
Leaves petiolate; blade subcoriaceous, elliptic to oblong-obovate, 14‒38 cm long, 5‒20 cm wide, secondary veins 8‒15 on each side, 10‒25 mm apart, submarginal vein sinuate, apex short-acuminate, base cuneate; petiole 0.8‒1.5 cm long.
Inflorescences an axillary cyme, 2‒5 mm long on older branches, leafless nodes, and occasionally on trunk, peduncle 0.5‒1 cm long; bracts 1‒1.5 mm long. Flowers with funnelform hypanthium, 10‒15 mm long, tapering to a pseudopedicel, 5‒7 mm long; sepals 4, 2‒4 mm long, persistent; petals 4, bright purplish red or rarely white, obovate-orbicular, 6‒10 mm long; stamens ca. 100, filaments purplish red, 10‒20 mm long.
Fruit pink to red, turning maroon, rarely whitish, obovoid, 5‒7 cm long, pericarp crisp, watery, 10‒20 mm thick.
Seed usually 1, subglobose, 1.5‒2 cm in diameter, testa fibrous, closely coherent to cotyledons.
2n = 22.
Nancy Khan