Pteridophyte | Literature for Odontosoria chinensis
Brown & Brown, 1931; Kramer, 1971; Palmer 2003; Lorence & Wagner, 2019. |
Lindsaeaceae | Bibliography |
Odontosoria chinensis | |
Common name(s): pa`u o Pala`e, pala`a, pala`e, palapala`a |
General Information | ||
Distribution | Indo-Pacific region from Asia, Malesia, and Madagascar, eastward in Polynesia to Hawaii and the Marquesas Islands.In the Hawaiian Islands, indigenous to Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Hawai`i. | |
Habitat | Mesic to wet forests, grasslands, shrublands, and along streamsides | |
Elevation | 40-1310 m |
Habit |
Terrestrial. Rhizomes short-creeping, densely clothed with narrow, brown waxy scales tapering to hair like apex. |
Leaves |
Fronds tufted, variable in size, ca. 25‒160 cm long; stipe continuous with the rhizome, 10‒70 cm long, ca. 2‒4 mm in diameter, furrowed adaxially, yellow to dark brown, glabrous, shiny to dull in luster; blade ovate-lanceolate, 15‒90 cm long, 10‒40 cm wide, texture thin, but firm, 3–4-pinnate; pinnae alternate, shortly stipitate, ovate-lanceolate, to 20 cm long, 7 cm wide, ultimate segment to 4 mm long, 1‒3 mm wide, linear or oblong, cuneate, rounded or truncate at the apex; veins visible, free, bifurcate, commonly with one branch to a segment, rarely bifurcate in the segment. |
Sori |
Sori cup-shaped, terminal, sub-marginal in or near the apex of the segment, 1-2 per segment, free or fused; indusium free only at the apex, margin even with or exceeded by the margin of the segment. |
Notes |
Contributor |
David Lorence, co-author K. R. Wood |