Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
Pteridophyte Literature for Haplopteris elongata
Flora of Australia, vol. 48. 1998 Palmer 2003; Lorence & Wagner 2019..
   Pteridaceae Bibliography
      Haplopteris elongata

Common name(s): `ohe`ohe, mana
General Information
DistributionWidely distributed in the Old World tropics and subtropics including Africa, India, southern China, SE Asia, the Philippines, Malesia, Australia, various Pacific islands from Christmas Island and Norfolk Island to French Polynesia and the Hawaiian Islands.In the Hawaiian Islands, indigenous to Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Hawai`i.

Click here for detailed USGS map by Jonathan Price
Usually epiphytic. Rhizomes short- to moderately long-creeping, branched, densely scaly, thickly covered with dark roots with spreading hairs; scales 4-7(-10) mm long, very slender, uniformly reddish brown when young, sometimes aging black, cell walls uniformly thick, apex hair-like with irregularly toothed margin.
Fronds with stipe winged, usually not well differentiated from blade; blade linear, 25-100(-200) cm long, 3-5(-9) mm wide, tapered at both ends, dark green, glossy, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, costa obscure or sometimes prominulous in broad-leaved form; lateral veins very oblique.
Sori marginal, lining a 2-lipped groove along distal ½-¾ of the blade.
David Lorence, co-author K. R. Wood