Monocotyledon | Literature for Chloris barbata
Wagner et al., 1990, 1999; Lorence & Wagner, 2019. |
Poaceae -- The Grass Family | Bibliography |
Chloris barbata | |
Common name(s): fingergrass, mau`u lei, swollen fingergrass |
General Information | ||
Distribution | Native to Central America, the West Indies, and South America, now widely naturalized.In the Hawaiian Islands, naturalized on Kure, Midway, Ni`ihau, Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Kaho`olawe, Hawai`i. | |
Habit |
Annual; culms erect or sometimes decumbent at base and rooting at proximal nodes, 30-70 cm tall, glabrous. |
Leaves |
Leaves with sheath 2‒6 cm long, glabrous, compressed, shorter than internodes, usually pilose at throat; ligule ca. 0.5 mm long, membranous, minutely erose; blade flat, 2‒12 cm long, 1‒5 mm wide, distal blades
decreasing in size to nearly obsolete,
adaxial surface usually sparsely long pilose, margin scabrous. |
Flowers |
Inflorescences of 5‒15(‒22) digitate, ascending to spreading, purple, feathery spikes 4‒6(‒8) cm long. Spikelets closely imbricate, 3-flowered, each with an awn; glumes narrow, acute, first glume 1‒1.5 mm long, second glume 2‒2.5 mm long; first lemma 2‒2.5 mm long, obovate, keel sparsely pilose, marginal veins silky pubescent in distal ½, apex rounded, awn slender, 0.5‒1 cm long, callus appressed pilose; palea 2‒2.5
mm long and nearly as broad as lemma,
keels marginal; apical rudiment ca. 1 mm long, consisting of 2 triangular truncate, thin, sterile lemmas, 1 within the other, situated at nearly the height of the fertile lemma, awns ca. 5 mm long. |
Fruit |
Caryopsis brown, fusiform, ca. 1.1 mm long, enclosed within the persistent lemma and palea. |
Chromosomes |
2n = 20, 40, ca. 50, 56. |
Contributor |
Nancy Khan |