Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
   Orchidaceae -- The Orchid Family
General Information
DistributionPaleotropical, from Africa, Madagascar, India, and the southern Ryukyu Islands eastward through Malesia into portions of Micronesia and to Tonga, Niue, and Samoa, with approximately 70 species.
Terrestrial plants with succulent, decumbent, rhizomelike stems rooting at nodes.
Leaves alternate, petiolate, not articulate, the blades convolutive in bud, membranous.
Inflorescences terminal, erect, densely to laxly racemose, usually many-flowered; flowers small (perianth 0.5-1 cm. long), resupinate; dorsal sepal frequently connivent with petals forming a hood over column; lateral sepals erect or spreading; petals entire, usually somewhat oblique; labellum more or less adnate to front of column, entire, the base saccate or cymbiform, with 2 or more small glands within, either abruptly contracted at apex or narrowed to form a short claw, the apex abruptly widened into a small, transverse blade, the disk either naked or callose above base; column short, with or without lamellate appendages along ventral surface; anther dorsal, erect, persistent, 1-celled; pollinia 2, sectile, clavate, the caudicles turned toward top of anther and joined to a broad common stipe, the viscidium relatively large; rostellum prominent, rather broad, deeply divided into 2 erect laciniae; stigmas 2, remote from one another on each side of column, convex and sometimes papillose; ovary erect, twisted.