Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
   Passifloraceae -- The Passion Flower Family
      Passiflora -- The passion flower genus
General Information
DistributionA genus of about 500 species centered in the American tropics, with numerous species in the Andes.
Herbaceous vines or lianas or with axillary tendrils, sometimes shrubs or trees.
Leaves simple or rarely compound, alternate or in 1 species opposite, entire or lobed, petiolate, stipulate, with foliar nectaries on blade or adaxial surface of petiole, absent in several species.
Inflorescences axillary, flowers usually solitary or in pairs, sometimes a raceme; bracts 3, foliaceous or setaceous. Flowers with tubular or campanulate hypanthium; sepals 5; petals 5 or absent; corona filamentous or reduced to tubercles, in 1 to several series; stamens 5(‒8), on an androgynophore, anthers dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits; ovary 3(4)-carpellate, stipitate, placentation parietal.
Fruit a berry or rarely a capsule.
Seeds numerous, with reticulate testa and aromatic, succulent, edible aril.
The name Passiflora, or passion flower, is derived from the floral morphology that, to the early Spanish explorers, bore signs of the passion of Christ.
Nancy Khan