Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
   Apocynaceae -- The Dogbane, Milkweed Family
General Information
DistributionSouthern China, southern Japan, and southeastern Asia through Malesia to Australia, and eastward in the Pacific to Tonga and Samoa, with 100 or more species.
Vines or shrubs, usually twining or climbing, sometimes epiphytic.
Leaves opposite, the blades chartaceous to carnose or coriaceous.
Inflorescences umbelliform to racemiform, borne between petioles of a pair of leaves; calyx deeply lobed, often with glands at base or at sinuses of lobes within; corolla often carnose, sometimes submembranaceous, subrotate or broadly cyathiform, the tube short, the lobes valvate in bud, becoming spreading, upwardly curved, or reflexed; corona lobes borne on staminal tube, carnose, often horizontally spreading, shallowly concave or flattened above, rounded or sulcate or bicarinate beneath; anthers with apical membranes, the pollinia erect, often unilaterally pellucid-margined; ovaries with short styles detached from style head soon after anthesis.
Follicles terete.
Seeds comose.