Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
   Araceae -- The Aroid, Duckweed, Philodendron Family
      Alocasia -- The elephant's-ear plant genus
General Information
DistributionA taxonomically complex genus of 80-100 species from Indo-Malesia to China, widely cultivated as ornamentals.
Large herbs; stems above or below ground, decumbent to erect, thick.
Leaves petiolate; blade usually sagittate or hastate, rarely peltate.
Inflorescences axillary, these 2 to several together, much shorter than leaves, subtended by bracts at base; spathe markedly constricted in proximal portion to form a tube, opening only at anthesis, then with at least the base re-closing tightly. Flowers unisexual, naked; spadix shorter than spathe, pistillate portion somewhat shorter than fertile staminate portion, with a sterile staminate portion (appendix) in between, and a large terminal sterile appendage; staminate flowers with 3‒8 connate stamens forming a truncate synandria; pistillate flowers unilocular or sometimes 3‒4-locular at apex, stigma weakly 3-lobed, ovules few, basal.
Fruit a berry, 1-seeded to several seeded.
Seeds white to brownish, subglobose.
Widely cultivated as ornamentals for their attractively patterned leaves. The name is derived from Colocasia, an arum, and, apparently, the Greek alocho, bedfellow or spouse, as a prefix, alluding to the close relationship between Colocasia and Alocasia.