Explanation of symbols and Latin terms used in Appendices I-VII

* when preceding an entry indicates a proposal to conserve, protect, or reject a name or suppress a publication approved by the General Committee; retention or rejection of the name involved or suppression of that publication is authorized under Art. 14.15, 56.3, or 34.2 subject to the decision of a later International Botanical Congress.
(=) heterotypic synonym (i.e. taxonomic synonym, based on a type different from that of the conserved name), to be rejected only in favour of the conserved name (Art. 14.6 and 14.7).
Heterotypic synonyms that are part of a type entry are placed in square brackets.
(=P) heterotypic synonym of a protected name (i.e. taxonomic synonym, based on a type different from that of the protected name), to be rejected only in favour of the protected name (Art. F.2.1).
(≡) homotypic synonym (i.e. nomenclatural synonym, based on the same type as the conserved name; Art. 14.4), usually only the earliest legitimate one is listed (but more than one in some cases in which homotypy results from type designation).
Homotypic synonyms of rejected names, when they exist, are cited instead of the type.
Homotypic synonyms that are part of a type entry are placed in parentheses (round brackets).
(≡P) homotypic synonym of a protected name (i.e. nomenclatural synonym, based on the same type as the protected name and rejected in favour of it; Art. F.2.1).
(H) homonym (Art. 14.10; see also Art. 53), only the earliest is listed.
(NH) not a homonym (Art. 53), based on a binding decision under the provisions of Art. 53.4.
(P) protected name (Art. F.2.1).
(+P) a name both conserved and protected (Art. 14 and Art. F.2.1).
ad t. ad tabulam, at the plate; used when citing a place of publication associated with a plate.
ante before; used when citing a date.
cancellans a cancel (literally “cancelling”); the bibliographic term for a corrected page inserted in a book, replacing the cancelled page.
deest it is missing; referring to a type specimen that has not been traced.
destr. destrui, destroyed.
etiam vide see also; used for cross-reference to another relevant entry.
ex from; used in author citations (Art. 46) or to indicate the source of a type specimen.
gen. fem. cons. genus femininum conservandum, feminine gender to be conserved (Art. 14.11).
gen. masc. cons. genus masculinum conservandum, masculine gender to be conserved (Art. 14.11).
gen. neut. cons. genus neutrum conservandum, neuter gender to be conserved (Art. 14.11).
icon image, i.e. an illustration.
ined. ineditus, not published.
med. medio, mid, in the middle (in a month or year); used when citing a date.
nom. alt. nomen alternativum, alternative name (Art. 18.6).
nom. cons. nomen conservandum, name to be conserved.
nom. illeg. nomen illegitimum, illegitimate name.
nom. rej. nomen rejiciendum, name to be rejected.
nom. utique rej. nomen utique rejiciendum, name to be rejected outright; a suppressed name, ruled as rejected under Art. 56.1.
non designatus not designated.
orth. cons. orthographia conservanda, orthography (i.e. spelling) to be conserved (Art. 14.11); as by Art. 14.8, listed spellings of conserved names may not be changed even if they are not explicitly designated as “orth. cons.”
post after; used when citing a date.
prim. primo, at the beginning, early (in a month or year); used when citing a date.
q. v. quod vide, which see; used for cross-reference to another relevant entry.
s. ann. sine anno, without year; used when citing a specimen.
s. coll. sine collectore, without collector; used when citing a specimen.
s. loc. sine loco, without locality; used when citing a specimen.
sero late (in a month or year); used when citing a date.
sub under.
typ. cons. typus conservandus, type to be conserved (Art. 14.9; see also Art. 14.3 and 10.4); as by Art. 14.8, listed types of conserved names may not be changed even if they are not explicitly conserved by application of Art. 14.9.
typ. des. typi designatio, designation of type (Art. 10.5); used with names that became homotypic synonyms by type designation.
typus type.
vide see; usually followed by a reference to the author and place of publication of first type designation (Art. 10.5).