Paspalum dispar Chase (Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 28: 96. 1929.)
Localities: West Indies (endemic), Greater Antilles [ Hispaniola (native)[ Dominican Republic,], Puerto Rico (native)[], ],
Citations:1). Hitchcock, A.S. 1936. Manual of the grasses of the West Indies. U.S.D.A. Miscellaneous Publication No. 243. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 2). Zuloaga, F.O. et al. 2003. Catalogue of New World grasses (Poaceae): III. subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 1-662.
Last edited 05 Aug 10