Geranium carolinianum L. (Sp. Pl. 682. 1753.)
Localities: West Indies (native), Greater Antilles [Jamaica (exotic), ], Bahamas (native), North America (native), Mexico (native), Central America (native),
Synonyms: Geranium pyrenaicum sensu Griseb., non L. (Fl. Brit. W. I. 132. 1859.),
Citations:1). Adams, C.D. 1972. Flowering Plants of Jamaica. University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. 848 pp. 2). Correll, D.S. and H.B. Correll, 1982. Flora of the Bahama Archipelago. J. Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz, Germany. 1692 pp. 3). 2008. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Website: 4). Urban, I. 1898-1928. Symbolae Antillanae, Vol. 1-9. Berlin, Leipzig, Germany.
Last edited 24 Aug 07