Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt (Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. 152. 1845.) Localities: West Indies (exotic), Greater Antilles [ Puerto Rico (exotic)[], ], North America (exotic: FL), Old World (native), Synonyms: Conami portoricensis (Kuntze) Britton (In N.L. Britton & P. Wilson, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Islands 5: 475. 1924.), Diasperus portoricensis Kuntze (Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 602. 1891.), Phyllanthus portoricensis Urb. (Symb. Antill. 4: 338. 1905.), Citations:1). Britton, N.L. and P. Wilson. 1923-1926. Botany of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. New York Academy of Sciences, New York. 2). Liogier, A.H. 1985-1997. Descriptive Flora of Puerto Rico and adjacent islands. Spermatophyta. Vols. 1-5. Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. 3). Liogier, A.H. and L.F. Martorell. 1982. Flora of Puerto Rico and adjacent islands: a systematic synopsis. Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. 4). Torres Santana, C.W. 2007. Introduced Plants in Puerto Rico (unpublished draft). 5). Urban, I. 1898-1928. Symbolae Antillanae, Vol. 1-9. Berlin, Leipzig, Germany. 6). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 2008. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Website: apps.kew.org/wcsp/home.do Last edited 29 Oct 09 |