Euphorbia blodgettii Engelm. ex Hitchc. (Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 4: 126. 1893.) Localities: West Indies (native), Greater Antilles [Jamaica (native), Cayman Island (native), Puerto Rico (native)[ Caja de Muertos, ], Virgin Islands (native) (Anegada, Tortola, ) ], Bahamas (native), North America (native?), Mexico (native), Central America (native), Synonyms: Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small (Fl. S.E. U.S. 712. 1903.), Euphorbia batabanensis Urb. (Symb. Antill. 5: 390. 1908.), Citations:1). Adams, C.D. 1972. Flowering Plants of Jamaica. University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. 848 pp. 2). Britton, N.L. and P. Wilson. 1923-1926. Botany of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. New York Academy of Sciences, New York. 3). Correll, D.S. and H.B. Correll, 1982. Flora of the Bahama Archipelago. J. Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz, Germany. 1692 pp. 4). Liogier, A.H. 1985-1997. Descriptive Flora of Puerto Rico and adjacent islands. Spermatophyta. Vols. 1-5. Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. 5). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 2008. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Website: Last edited 15 Jun 11 |