Rhynchospora contracta (Nees) J. Raynal (Adansonia, n.s., 17: 277. 1978.) Localities: West Indies (native), Lesser Antilles (native) [Martinique, St. Lucia, ], Greater Antilles [Jamaica (native), Puerto Rico (native)[], ], North America (Mexico), Mexico (native), Central America (native), South America (native), Old World (W. Africa), Synonyms: Haloschoenus contractus Nees (in C.F.P. von Martius, Fl. Bras. 2(1): 123. 1842.), Juncus parviflorus Poir. (in J.B.A.P.M. de Lamarck, Encycl. Suppl. 3: 160. 1813.), Rhynchospora micrantha sensu C.B. Clarke, non Vahl, 1805 (in I. Urban, Symb. Antill. 2: 117. 1900.), Rhynchospora minutiflora C.D. Adams (Phytologia 21: 70. 1971.), Scleria cincta Steud. (Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 177. 1855.), Scleria micrantha Poir. (in J.B.A.P.M. de Lamarck, Encycl. Suppl. 5: 108. 1817.), Zosterospermum gracile Desv. ex Ham. (Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid. 14. 1825.), Citations:1). Acevedo-RodrÃguez, P. and M.T. Strong. 2005. Monocots and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 52: 1-415. 2). Original publication consulted. 3). Urban, I. 1898-1928. Symbolae Antillanae, Vol. 1-9. Berlin, Leipzig, Germany. 4). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 2008. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Website: apps.kew.org/wcsp/home.do Last edited 22 Sep 10 |