Tradescantia spathacea Sw. (Prodr. 57. 1788.)
Localities: West Indies (exotic), Lesser Antilles (exotic) [Antigua, Grenada, Barbados, the Grenadines, Martinique, Saba, St. Lucia, St. Vincent], Greater Antilles [Jamaica (exotic), Cuba (exotic), Cayman Island (exotic), Hispaniola (exotic)[ Haiti, Tortue,], Puerto Rico (naturalized)[ Vieques], Virgin Islands (exotic) (Guana Islands, St. Croix, St. John, Virgin Gorda ) ], Bahamas (exotic), North America (exotic: FL), Mexico (native), Central America (native), South America (exotic),
Common Names: Barrehorno (Cuba), Boat lily (Bahamas), Canoa di San Pedro (L. Antilles), Cestico (Cuba), Cordobán (Cuba), Gros curage (L. Antilles), Grosse herbe grasee (L. Antilles), Indján den boto (L. Antilles), Ladies in à boat (L. Antilles), Moses in the basket (L. Antilles), Moses-in-the-Bulrushes (Jamaica), Oyster plant (Bahamas), Oyster plant (Jamaica), Sangría (Puerto Rico), Sanguinaria (Puerto Rico), Zapatillo (Cuba), Zapatón del Obispo (Cuba),
Synonyms: Rhoeo discolor (L'Hér.) Hance (in W.G. Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst. 3: 660. 1853.), Rhoeo spathacea (Sw.) Stearn (Baileya 5: 198. 1957., naturalized & invasive in the Bahamas.), Tradescantia bicolor sensu Bello, non Kunth (Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 12: 122. 1883.), Tradescantia discolor L' Hér. (Sert. Angl. 8. 1789.),
Citations:1). Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. and M.T. Strong. 2005. Monocots and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 52: 1-415. 2). Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. et al. 1996. Flora of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 78: 1-581. 3). Adams, C.D. 1972. Flowering Plants of Jamaica. University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. 848 pp. 4). Barker, H.D. and W.S. Dardeau. 1930. La Flore d'Haiti. Port-au-Prince. 456 pp. 5). Bello Espinosa, D. 1883. Apuntes para la flora de Puerto Rico. Segunda parte. Anal. Soc. Española de Hist. Nat. 12: 103-130. 6). Britton, N.L. and P. Wilson. 1923-1926. Botany of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. New York Academy of Sciences, New York. 7). Correll, D.S. and H.B. Correll, 1982. Flora of the Bahama Archipelago. J. Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz, Germany. 1692 pp. 8). Howard, R.A. 1974-1989. Flora of the Lesser Antilles. Vols. 1-6. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. 9). Hoyos F., J. 1985. Flora de la isla de Margarita, Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. 10). Kairo, M., B. Ali, O. Cheesman, K. Hayson, and S. Murphy. 2003. Invasive species threats in the Caribbean region. Report to Nature Conservancy. CAB International. 11). León, F., 1946; León, F. and H. Alain, 1951-1957. Flora de Cuba. Habana. 12). Otero, J.I., R.A. Toro and Pagán de Otero. 1945. Catalogo de los nombres vulgares y científicos de algunas plantas puertorriqueñas. 2nd. ed. Universidad de Puerto Rico. 13). Proctor, G.R. 1984. Flora of the Cayman Islands. Kew Bull. Addit. Ser. 11: i-xii, 1-834. Her Majesty’s Staionery Office, London. 14). Roig y Mesa, J.T. 1988. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares Cubanos. Habana: Editorial Científico-Técnica. 15). Urban, I. 1898-1928. Symbolae Antillanae, Vol. 1-9. Berlin, Leipzig, Germany. 16). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 2008. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Website: 17). Wunderlin, R.P., and B.F. Hansen. 2004. Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants. Institute for Systematic Botany, University of South Florida, Tampa. Website:
Last edited 20 Jul 09