Selenicereus boeckmannii (Otto) Britton & Rose (Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 12: 429. 1909)
Localities: West Indies (native), Greater Antilles [ Cuba (native), Cayman Island (native), Hispaniola (native)[], Virgin Islands (cultivated) ( ) ], Bahamas (native), North America (Mexico), Mexico (native),
Common Names: Pitahaya (Cuba), Pitajaya (Cuba), Queen-of-the-night (Bahamas), Yaguarabas (Cuba), Yaguarabos (Cuba),
Synonyms: Cereus boeckmannii Otto (in J.F.M.A.H.I.F. Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck 1849: 217. 1850.),
Citations:1). Anderson, E.F. 2001. The Cactus Family. Timber Press. 2). Britton, N.L. and P. Wilson. 1923-1926. Botany of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. New York Academy of Sciences, New York. 3). Correll, D.S. and H.B. Correll, 1982. Flora of the Bahama Archipelago. J. Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz, Germany. 1692 pp. 4). León, F., 1946; León, F. and H. Alain, 1951-1957. Flora de Cuba. Habana. 5). Proctor, G.R. 1984. Flora of the Cayman Islands. Kew Bull. Addit. Ser. 11: i-xii, 1-834. Her Majesty’s Staionery Office, London. 6). Roig y Mesa, J.T. 1988. Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares Cubanos. Habana: Editorial Científico-Técnica.
Last edited 08 Apr 10