Solanum diphyllum L. (Sp. Pl. 184. 1753.) Localities: West Indies (exotic), Greater Antilles [ Hispaniola (exotic)[ Dominican Republic, Haiti,], ], Bahamas (exotic), North America (exotic: FL), Mexico (native), Central America (native), Citations:1). Correll, D.S. and H.B. Correll, 1982. Flora of the Bahama Archipelago. J. Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz, Germany. 1692 pp. 2). Knapp, S. 2002. Solanum sect. Geminata (Solanaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 84: 1-405. 3). Liogier, A.H. 1982-2000. La flora de la Española. Univ. Central de Este, San Pedro de Macoris. Taller, República Dominicana. 4). Wunderlin, R.P., and B.F. Hansen. 2004. Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants. Institute for Systematic Botany, University of South Florida, Tampa. Website: Last edited 24 Aug 07 |