Stachytarpheta fruticosa (Millsp.) B.L. Rob. (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 51: 531. 1916.) Localities: West Indies (endemic), Greater Antilles [ Cuba (native), ], Bahamas (native), Common Names: Bahama vervain (Bahamas), Synonyms: Valerianoides fruticosa Millsp. (Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser., 2(3): 178. 1906.), Citations:1). Correll, D.S. and H.B. Correll, 1982. Flora of the Bahama Archipelago. J. Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz, Germany. 1692 pp. 2). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 2008. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Website: Originally in . Last edited 17 Jul 07 |