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2 records found in the Index Nominum Genericorum database.

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Diacritical Conversion

Planchonella Van Tieghem, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 8. 19: 39. Jan-Jun 1904 (non Pierre 1890 (nom. cons.)).
T.: P. disticha Van Tieghem
PHAN.-OCHNACEAE (10) 9 Feb 1996

Diacritical Conversion

[C] Planchonella Pierre, Not. Bot. Sapot. 34. 30 Dec 1890 (nom. cons.).
T.: P. obovata (R. Brown) Pierre (Sersalisia obovata R. Brown) (typ. cons.)
PHAN.-SAPOTACEAE (59) 9 Feb 1996
