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Diacritical Conversion

Mandioca Link, Handb. 2: 436. Jan-Aug 1831.
Manihot P. Miller 1754 (by lectotypification)
PHAN.-EUPHORBIACEAE (75/104) 9 Feb 1996

Diacritical Conversion

[C] Manihot P. Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr. ed. 4. 28 Jan 1754.
LT.: M. esculenta Crantz (Inst. Rei Herb. 1: 167. Jan-Jul 1766) (Jatropha manihot Linnaeus) (vide R. A. Howard, Fl. Lesser Antilles 5: 64. Feb 1989)
PHAN.-EUPHORBIACEAE (11/104) 9 Feb 1996
