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Diacritical Conversion

[C] Acokanthera G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 485. 1837 ('1838').
LT.: A. lamarckii G. Don, nom. illeg. (Cestrum oppositifolium Lamarck, A. oppositifolia (Lamarck) L. E. Codd (vide L. E. Codd, Bothalia 7: 448. 1961).
According to Sprague (Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 25: 312. 1925), vol. 4 was apparently published in parts: the greater portion of it appearing in 1837, and perhaps only the last part in the beginning of 1838, along with an 1838 title page; in most cases, the 1837 title page then was thrown away.
PHAN.-APOCYNACEAE (30) 13 Jun 2019
